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Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Sunday 15 January 2017


Most wars seem pointless.

In the Vietnam War (looking back) we were fed what those in power wanted us to hear. The trouble is getting factual data is often hard.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

War propaganda

War - you don't know who to believe.

One thing you can be sure of is that all sides will tell lies in the name of propaganda. In the end wars fought with military might rarely really solve a conflict. In the end the only answer is to truly understand what is behind all the anger and negotiate a just peace for all.

To this day, I do not understand Israel's appalling treatment of the Palestinian people. All sides need to recognise the rights of the other side. As for Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, clearly little good is being done by wars.

I feel ashamed of the UK and USA who seem very biased in favour of Israel. We have to treat all sides equally. They are all humans like you and me.

Friday 6 June 2014

D-day celebrations

The TV is full of D-Day anniversary celebrations from the Normandy beaches It is 70 years since it happened.  It must have been a day filled with unbelievable fear, on a level I cannot begin to imagine, with the fear of being shot at any moment.

My stroke has left me more emotional than before: the thought of these brave men moved me to tears, as did thinking of my dear dad flying Lancasters in Bomber Command. In his lifetime I never once told him how brave he was, one of my greatest regrets.  I do so hope their efforts were not in vane. We have had 70 years of peace in Europe, just about, with a few exceptions.

I do not have bad feelings towards the German people. Mankind has a nasty side and it could so easily been the other way around. We have all to work towards peace and reconciliation.  The EC has a good side by helping to keep the peace.

I must stop bursting into tears.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Is war in Ukraine a certainty?

No, but the signs are ominous.

As in all conflicts, it depends on who you are listening to. The Russians believe they are in the right to send in troops if necessary to bring stability to the eastern cities. The Ukrainians believe Russian special forces are already at work destabilising the east of Ukraine. NATO is watching in the wings hopng the Russians will calm things, especially with the threat of more economic sanctions. Russia is already feeling economic pain.

I don't much like Mr Putin's stance. He clearly wants to re-create the Soviet Union in some form and is showing the world his flexed muscles. He is ex-KGB and doesn't sound a nice man. Maybe I am seeing a biassed view of the man? Could be.

This could all get out of hand so easily and lead to a major European war, or worse. At all costs, this conflict has to be defused and peace allowed to flourish.

And of course the Russian trump card is gas supply to Europe. Ultimately, the west wants Russian gas and will resist too much clout against Russia so they don't turn this off. On the other hand, the export of gas must help the Russian economy. See .

Thursday 28 March 2013

The real cost of war

Today I read that the audited costs of the Iraq war for the USA are an estimated $767bn. With ongoing healthcare and support costs the final figure will be well over $1trillion. All nations make mistakes and enter wars they later deeply regret, including the UK. What saddens me is the total WASTE this represents: Saddam was no saint, neither are the Talibhan in Afghanistan, but there has to be a better way to change nations. The phrase "swords into ploughshares" comes to mind. Jaw jaw is better than war, war. Just think how $1 trillion could have been better used.  See also William Rivers Pitt | The United States of Aftermath.